We are the Self Worth Warriors  

 Collette Whelan has a life long passion around empowering herself, people, couples, families and children to live a life of happiness and freedom. She has been working with and amongst community, family and the corporate industry for 30+ years. 

She holds extensive qualifications, experience and passion in people and business.her professional journey includes an associate diploma in social sciences specialising in children along with 20 years in the early childhood industry. She also founded and operated 5 national RTO's specialising in early childhood studies and managed a team of over 30 staff. She has obtained qualifications/certifications in adult education, counselling, a Masters in Neuro linguistic programming, hypnotherapy and Multiple Brain Integration Therapy. She lives and follows her life purpose of empowering herself and others to access their inner pharmacy, to heal themselves just as she has healed a heart condition that was present for over 10 years resulting in 10 surgeries.

She is the inner pharmacy specialist who's vision and purpose is to empower humanity with the tools and techniques to access their inner power and potential and to be the creator of their own daily prescription and create a life of meaning and freedom. She is passionate about being the prevention of suicide and mental health rates in the generations to come.




We connected, had coffee and our souls met once again like never before.

We trusted in ourself, each other and the universe. 

We left everything and everyone we knew on the Gold Coast and took our three youngest beautiful children out of the schooling system and took the road trip of a lifetime. Taking on the roll as their teachers. We set off in our camper to the Central coast, New South Wales where we spent 10 days with Collette's father who was in Palliative care before he grew his beautiful wings.

We headed back up North through the Gold Coast and with lockdowns etc, continued travelling to Hervey Bay then out into the forest. Here we totally Unplugged, grounded, cried, grieved, laughed, trusted and connected on a level that we never knew possible. We then decided it was time to find a base to really birth and share our message, knowledge and medicine to the world.

And here we are on 43 Beautiful acres in Northern Queensland. 

The Self Worth Warriors Healing and Retreat Space. Creating Connection, Community, Happiness and Freedom.

Welcome to our journey and our Self Worth Warrior family. We are honoured to have you here.






Being with like minded people who I shared this weekend with, has been so uplifting and soul fulfilling. the tears gave way to much needed healing. I got to experience sleeping in a yurt and having a shower in a camp shower. Connecting with other people on a deeper level has been very heartfelt, for me our circumstance have been different but our pain was the same. Much bonding was shared.I have realised I haven't been honouring my inner child enough and my soul was suffering.I look forward to embracing my new knowledge.

Lee-Anne Walters


The retreatĀ has been very helpful in opening up to growth my journey. Meeting like minded people was great. I found the energy to be very loving, calm and accepting. Thank you.

Tina Nean


Over the course of the weekend I felt the warmth and love from everyone. A learning experience. Came out of the weekend with the hoped power to carry on to become a changed person. Thank you Self Worth Warriors. 

Kylie Carr


It was a well  deserved and rejuvenating weekend, learnt heaps, recommended this for everyone. It was quiet and peaceful so you can find your innerself, you realised you are important loved and special, you are number 1 no matter what anyone else says. you are wonderful beautiful and magical.

Toni Zimitat


This was a very powerful weekend, more self discovery and self love was found. I feel so much more empowered and stronger to move forward in my life. This has reinforced my new journey. I feel so blessed to be able to share my story in a safe and loving environment and I made beautiful new friends. I am grateful for my new found family in the Self Worth Warriors 

Wendy Guy


This has been a wonderful reminder that I am enough exactly as I aam I have made so many amazing connections which I am truly grateful for. Participating in group healing has been an interesting new Experience. seeing and hearing what others are going through makes it feel a little less alone in the world and a reminder that we are all on this journey together. Thank you for holding and creating this beautiful space.

Sarah Ripps


It was an amazing experience. We have gone from feeling no love for ourselves to loving ourselves. we connected with amazing like minded souls learning new knowledge with new people. we stepped outside our comfort zone. we learnt how to let our inner child come out. we connected and really felt one with our hearts.

Luke and Rose